Systems Considerations in the Design of HRIS


For implementing any Human Resource Information System (HRIS) project successfully, the system design requirements should be given utmost importance and it must have scope for customizations as per the requirements of the end users. The system should have various inbuilt provisions and be developed by carefully analyzing the end users/customers’ requirements and the technicalities involved […]

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HRIS: An Evaluation of its Cost and Benefits


Human Resource Information System (HRIS) often described as Human Resource Management System, in the present scenario can serve as a crucial tool in providing a competitive advantage to the organizations. It involves measurability, better management of data and information, equally provide scope for measurement of key HR practices and its outcomes on employee productivity as […]

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Human Resource Information System (HRIS): Meaning, Evolution and its Features


In the contemporary scenario of modernization and globalization, organizations heavily rely upon technological advancement and innovation in the field of Information Technology. Advancements in the field of IT has opened up newer avenues for the organizations and provided a competitive advantage by using innovative and customized solutions. It has become an integral part of the […]

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Types of HR technology systems: HRIS vs. HCM vs. HRMS


HRIS, HCM, HRMS – if you’re confused about the difference between these HR technology systems, you’re not alone. Thanks to vendors, marketing professionals and analysts interchangeably using these terms when marketing their technology solutions, these acronyms have befuddled many in the HRIS industry. There are lots of other acronyms being used to describe HR software […]

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