Evaluating a Successful Human Resource Management Plan


Identifying your organization’s strategic goals and implementing steps to achieve them is an essential part of the human resources management plan, but it’s just the first step in a number of activities that ensure successful HR management. Evaluating an HR management plan for success includes looking at recruitment policies, hiring processes, the extent to which […]

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The Disadvantages of Lacking a Human Resources Manager


The job functions of a human resource manager vary by employer. You can hire a human resources manager with experience that fits your company’s needs, which might include hiring, training and terminating employees; handling payroll and company benefits; and handling employee issues. Because the manager’s job function bridges satisfaction between the employee and company, lacking […]

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How to Forecast Future HR Needs


Human resources professionals are responsible for staffing positions, training employees, providing benefits and handling any problems or disciplinary actions that occur. The day-to-day responsibilities of managing the workforce can leave little time for long-range planning. Human resources needs to engage in strategic planning in order to fulfill the company’s mission as it relates to the […]

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The Role of Human Resource Management in Organizations


Human resources managers oversee the most important component of a successful business – a productive, thriving workforce. This requires viewing people as human assets, not costs to the organization. As with any other asset, a talented workforce can be used strategically to add value to an organization. Strategic Role of HRM The human resources management […]

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Human Resources Practices & the Productivity Paradox


In a small business, the human resources staff works closely with management to determine how to help employees become more productive. Management could believe that getting a bigger bang for each labor buck would increase the company’s profit margin. However, if you purchase technology to raise employee productivity, your business could experience the productivity paradox. […]

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Human Resources as Conflict Resolution


The human resources department, HR, frequently acts as a mediator between employees and managers, quickly responding to conflict and ensuring employers do not violate the rights of employees. Human resources personnel settle workplace disputes through interpreting company policies and employment and labor laws. The human resources department follows conflict resolution procedures to successfully reach an […]

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Addressing Attitude Problems in Human Resources


Employee attitude problems are based on organizational or personal factors, meaning behaviors can come from employees’ discontent with the organization or because of conflict between employees themselves or with supervisors. When human resources staff know the root cause of employee attitudes, they can address and resolve workplace problems effectively. Redefining Attitude Human resources can assist […]

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