How HR Managers Must Address the Pay Disparities and Pay Gaps in Organizations


While Pay Disparities are Natural, Biased Pay Systems are not In any organization, it is natural for different employees to be paid differently based on their abilities, seniority, experience, and value that they bring to the organization. Indeed, no organization can afford to pay all employees the same unless it is a Non Profit or […]

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How HR (Human Resources) Function Can Save Time by Automating Routine Tasks


Automating the Recruitment Activities and Tasks Much of the work that the HR Function does is routine and repetitive in nature. Starting with the recruitment process, including training and development, as well as performance management, the work that the HR does consists of manual and routine tasks that can be automated and hence, save time […]

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Changing Recruitment Strategies of Corporates and Tips to Get Hired


The Changing World of Recruitment Over the years, there have been several changes in the recruitment strategies of corporate. For many years, the recruitment process used to consist of a newspaper ad announcing vacancies, followed by shortlisting potential candidates and then asking them to take a technical test and a psychometric (personality assessment) test, culminating […]

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The Importance of Data Driven Analytics and HR Scorecard Dashboards for Corporates


Data, Data Everywhere, But No Insights Yet Corporates generate much data on a daily basis that can include everything from data about performance of employees, payroll metrics, production figures, outage times, and just about any conceivable functions such as Sales and Marketing, Admin, HR, and the like. Of particular interest to corporates, and that too […]

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Fixing Fraud and Biases in the Recruitment Process and Making it Fair and Transparent


Why Fair and Transparent Hiring is Vital to organizations and What the Reality Is The recruitment process is an important element of the overall Human Resource (HR) processes and indeed, ranks as a key component in the overall organizational canvas. After all, being the gateway to the organisation, a fair and transparent recruitment system ensures […]

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Why Auditing of the HR Function is Necessary and Important in the Present Times


What is Auditing, Why is it Important, and Its Continuing Relevance in the Present Times Auditing, or the process of checking and verifying the genuineness of processes, accounts, and functions of any entity are a necessary and important aspect of the organizational processes. Indeed, any entity that is registered as such, be it governmental, private, […]

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The Growing Popularity of Flex Work and HR Strategies to Deal with It


What is Flex Work and Some Trends Which Indicate its Popularity Flexible Working or Flex Work is defined as any working arrangement that involves remote work, telecommuting, part time and freelancing, and other forms of flexible working arrangements. As the name implies, any sort of adaptable and flexible working arrangement between the employees and the […]

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