The Necessity of Drafting Proper and Foolproof Employment Contracts


What Are Employment Contracts ? Employment contracts are covenants between the employer and the employee which provide the basis and the terms and conditions for the employment relationship. Employment Contracts usually state how much salary would be paid, what the perks are, the nature of the employment relation, the basis for firing when the employee […]

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Unique Skill Set Model of Human Capital Management


Human capital management refers to development of human capital through regular trainings, skill development activities and retaining talented employees. An individual who strives hard for the maximum part of the day to accomplish the goals and objectives of an organization are its real assets. Machinery, capital, innovative ideas and office furniture do play an essential […]

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Systems Considerations in the Design of HRIS


For implementing any Human Resource Information System (HRIS) project successfully, the system design requirements should be given utmost importance and it must have scope for customizations as per the requirements of the end users. The system should have various inbuilt provisions and be developed by carefully analyzing the end users/customers’ requirements and the technicalities involved […]

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HRIS: An Evaluation of its Cost and Benefits


Human Resource Information System (HRIS) often described as Human Resource Management System, in the present scenario can serve as a crucial tool in providing a competitive advantage to the organizations. It involves measurability, better management of data and information, equally provide scope for measurement of key HR practices and its outcomes on employee productivity as […]

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Essential Guide: Key Components of a Human Capital Strategy


Employees – their knowledge, experience, skills, innovative ideas, concepts are all valued possessions within an organization. An organization must understand its employees well to expect the best from them. Human capital management refers to developing strategies to hire, manage, train, develop and retain top performing employees. Human Capital management includes the following: Recruiting the best […]

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