Why is Human Resource Development Important in an Organization?


Human Resource Development (HRD) involves improving the effectiveness of organizations, it provides employees with new skills, knowledge and attitude, improves their performance and growth in an organization and makes them more competent. Why is HRD Important to an Organization? – Difference between HRD and HRM What is Human Resource Development? Human Resource Development (HRD) is […]

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5 Key Functions of Human Capital Management (HCM)


Human capital management (HCM) provides an overall strategy to guide talent acquisition, recruitment, employee training and development, performance appraisal, and feedback. What is the Role of Human Capital Management in an Organization? Human Capital Management primarily focuses on core administrative HR functions and transforms the traditional administrative functions of human resource management – HR planning, […]

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6 HR Pillars for Developing a Human Capital Strategy


Here, we will discuss 6 HR pillars every organization should be aware of when developing a strategic HR framework. Strategic Human Capital Management (HCM) Human Capital Management (HCM) is a set of practices that cover workforce acquisition, workforce management, and workforce optimization and that contribute to the overall productivity of an organization. Human Capital Management […]

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What are the Advantages of Human Capital Management (HCM)?

HCM, Human Capital Management

Human Capital is a measure of the skills, knowledge, abilities and social and personality attributes that influence employee productive capacity and earning potential to produce economic value. Successful companies regard their employees as their most valuable asset and greatest investment. However, as the company grows, the management of people within an organization is much more complex. Really, managing human capital doesn’t have to be such a big challenge.

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Human Capital Management (HCM) – Quick Guide

HR, Human Capital Management (HCM)

Human capital management (HCM) is the act of systematically recruiting, managing and developing a workforce. An HCM mindset views employees as company assets to be invested in so that their organizational value can be maximized. The important responsibility of HCM often falls on a company’s human resources department, as they generally play a crucial role in who’s hired, how efficiently talent is managed, and how seriously employee development is taken.

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Group Behavior – In Organizational Context


In an organizational context, groupthink and group behavior are important concepts as they determine the cohesiveness and coherence of the organizational culture and organizational communication. For instance, unless the HRD function communicates the policies clearly and cogently, the employees would not participate and comply with them wholeheartedly. Hence, molding group behavior is important for organizations. […]

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